저는 NZably Living에 빌딩 인스펙터인 Matthew Kang입니다.
NZably Living은 주택 구매 및 판매를 위한 인스펙션 서비스를 제공하며,
Home viewing assistant, LIM 리포트, 건축 도면 검토 서비스도 함께 제공 합니다.
구매자 입장에선 더 설득적인 접근을 그리고,
판매자 입장에선 더 준비된 판매를
할 수있도록
함께 고민하고 지원 해드립니다.
건축 설계학과를 졸업한 후,
공공시설 설계 경진대회 참여하여 우승,
시행사 및 시공사 (아파트/상업/주택 등) 입장에서 건설 프로젝트 참여
한국 건축 문화 – 주거 부분 대상 수상작에 시행 및 시공사 입장에서 참여 하였습니다.
건설 (아파트/상업/주택) 프로젝트에
시행사 및 시공사 입장에 참여하여
CCC를 성공리에 이끌었습니다.
다년간 쌓은 경험과 전문 지식을 바탕으로
일반인들이 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록
필요한 정보를 제공하여
여러분이 조금 더 편안한 마음으로
신뢰할수있는 주택을 구매하거나 판매 할수있도록 지원하겠습니다.
자세한 상담 및 문의는 언제 아래로 부탁합니다.
Matthew Kang
Web: http://www.nzably.co.nz
E-Mail: info@nzably.co.nz
Phone: 02102310456
1:1 Openchat https://open.kakao.com/o/sK2yiifh
We offer you 24/7 support to update your report
You will find the most affordable inspection prices
You will find the most comprehensive building reports
We are welcoming to your contact in any time
You will be confidence with our detailed reports
Our service will protect you family from unhealthy environment
Our service will secure your cash flow from unseen problems
Make a decision in peace of mind for transactions
You will know your property to protect the property's value
Our Pre-Purchase Reports provide a thorough and detailed written assessment you need when considering a property purchase. This report is designed to be clear and easy to understand, giving you and your bank the “peace of mind” needed to buy what could be the biggest asset of your life. Our inspections adhere to the NZS 4306:2005 Residential Property Inspection standards, ensuring you receive accurate and reliable information.
Our Pre-Sale Reports offer a complete and detailed written analysis that equips you and your real estate agent with the tools and confidence needed to sell your property at the best possible price. Our results-focused approach identifies any issues that might delay your sale and provides a clear action plan if necessary, helping you get ready for the market.
At Healthy Home Inspection, we believe your home should be a
sanctuary. Our expert team provides thorough inspections that focus on five
healthy home standards Insulation, Ventilation,
Heating, Draught Stopping, and Moisture Control.
Perfect for auction situations, our Scan-Only Building Inspection is a shorter yet thorough assessment. You’ll receive a same-day cover letter summarizing the findings and recommendations. We recommend that you be present during the inspection so you can take notes and photos while benefiting from DryScan’s expert guidance. This option is ideal if you want quick onsite information without the cost of a full written report while still getting the “peace of mind” a NZably Living inspection offers.
Our Weather Tightness Reports deliver a thorough written analysis of any issues, roadmap for necessary remedial work. We prioritize cost-effective solutions to guide you through the process with confidence and clarity.
Our experts simplify the LIM report by breaking it down into easy-to-understand insights. We highlight the key details that could affect your property’s value and influence your investment decisions.
Feeling unsure about what to look for during property viewings? We provide a detailed on-site checklist that highlights important aspects to consider, leveraging our professional knowledge and experience. Our guidance helps you confidently assess the property and make informed decisions.
Enhance your property’s value with strategic home improvements. Our team specializes in identifying the most cost-effective upgrades that yield the highest return on investment.
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